Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Secrets of 7 Fruits and Vegetables

I have long been fascinated by the variety of health issues that particular foods can help to alleviate. It is interesting, and very handy to know which foods can assist us to gain the health outcomes that we are looking for.

Today I have a list of seven fruits and vegetables that can help to control blood pressure.
  1. Apricots
  2. Bananas
  3. Cantaloupe
  4. Chestnuts
  5. Beets
  6. Broccoli
  7. Garlic
All of these also have other functions, and health issues that they can help to address. For example cantaloupe can also help to lower cholesterol. Garlic is well known for its wide range of health benefits and perhaps deserves an article of its own.

I have come across an excellent ebook that combines information about which health benefits go with which fruits and vegetables, with loads of information about the selection, preparation and preservation of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables by Georgina Cundall gives a great base of knowledge to help you to gain more benefit from your fruits and vegetables.

Have fun as you enjoy your fruit and vegetables and keep in good health


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